0203: Meet Drew Morgan, Creator of HunnyBee Vegan Dating App

Drew Morgan headshot

Drew Morgan – Creator of HunnyBee

UPDATE: In the intervening years since this interview came out, my old podcast, Aravinda Show, has been retired. To listen to this classic episode, see the episode list over at the podcast page →

Time for a new episode of Aravinda Show!

Today, I’m so excited to share a truly unforgettable conversation with Drew Morgan, creator of HunnyBee, the #1 Vegan & Vegetarian dating app on the App Store. Drew shares some incredible family stories about the power of dietary choices on our health, his jumping into veganism basically cold turkey, and the story of how he took a powerful idea and turned it into a #1 app.

Honestly, I am so grateful and proud of how this interview turned out. As you may have heard, Season 2 is focused on conscious entrepreneurs, and this episode is another perfect example of entrepreneurial spirit. Mahalo, Drew!

Enjoy, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss any of the rare interviews I have coming up.

Thanks & Mahalo!

Show Notes

HunnyBee dating app logo

  1. HunnyBee Dating App website: HunnyBeeDating.com
  2. The Christine Salus video that’s mentioned: STORYTIME: Death Threats on a Tinder Date + New VEGAN Tinder!
  3. Excellent documentary we mentioned: Food Inc. on Netflix
  4. Another powerful documentary: Forks Over Knives on Netflix
  5. Alyse’s Raw Alignment website: Raw-Alignment.com
  6. How to Create Real Value (a powerful article by Steve Pavlina that changed how I look at the concept of value itself)
  7. HunnyBee on Instagram: Instagram.com/DateHunnyBee/

0202: Interview with Sean Crowne & Ashley Campbell, Nicoco Hawaiian Gelato – Part 2

Ashley holding wolf puppies

Ashley Campbell – Co-Founder of Nicoco

UPDATE: In the intervening years since this interview came out, my old podcast, Aravinda Show, has been retired. To listen to this classic episode, see the episode list over at the podcast page →

And we’re back with Part 2 of my interview with Nicoco Hawaii! If you haven’t heard the first part, I recommend you listen to that first.

In this 2nd part, we’re going to hear from Ashley Campbell, the other half of the company; we’re going to hear the backstory of how the company got its name; and then we’re going to delve into what conscious businesses, as well as you, can do to save the world. I’m really happy with how this interview comes together.

Even Nico the Dog chimes in toward the end!

Thanks & Mahalo!

Show Notes

  1. Nicoco Hawaiian Gelato website: NicocoHawaii.com
  2. “Aloha From Lavaland” documentary (I love this film!): AlohaFromLavaland.com
  3. Photos of Nico as a puppy as mentioned:
    Blue-eyed White Wolf Pup Nico

    Sean Crowne holding Nico the dog

  4. And seriously, follow Nicoco Gelato on Instagram, it’s world-class: Instagram.com/NicocoHawaiianGelato/