Reel: The 2 Make-or-Break Questions (credit to Neil Donald Walsh)

Warning: truth bomb at the end. The way you answer these 2 questions will determine how your life turns out. So, WHAT’S YOUR ANSWER?

Even if you don’t ask yourself this question, life will keep asking you. (Plus a bit of me foreshadowing my own answers to these questions.)

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#AuthorForeshadowing #IndependentAuthor #tenthousandhoursinparadise #NeilDonaldWalsh

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Reel: Arc de Triomphe is the next stop in my book tour!

First inaugurated in 1836, #ArcDeTriomphe is a sight to behold 🤩 #TenThousandHoursInParadise #IndependentAuthor #WorldBookTour

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