0201: Interview with Sean Crowne & Ashley Campbell, Nicoco Hawaiian Gelato – Part 1

Sean Crowne, Ashley Campbell, and Nico dog in Hawaii

Sean, Ashley, and Nico the Dog!

UPDATE: In the intervening years since this interview came out, my old podcast, Aravinda Show, has been retired. To listen to this classic episode, see the episode list over at the podcast page →

Welcome to Season 2 of the Aravinda Show!

To start this season off, I was honored to interview Sean and Ashley, founders of Nicoco Hawaiian Gelato. In this interview, we get to hear about their remarkable meeting in New York, landing on the wrong island (that turned out to be right), bootstrapping their business, and growing it to where it is today.

For season two, I’m interviewing conscious entrepreneurs: business owners who are conscious of their impact on their community, the environment, and the planet; and I can’t think of a better couple to start with. Even if their gelato didn’t taste even MORE delicious than ice cream, I would have interviewed them because they just have a wonderful energy; you can really tell they radiate the Aloha Spirit.

Update: PART 2 has been posted!

Enjoy, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss any of the rare interviews I have coming up.

Show Notes

  1. Nicoco Hawaiian Gelato website: NicocoHawaii.com
  2. Follow Nicoco Gelato on Instagram (beautiful photos, I dare you to look away): Instagram.com/NicocoHawaiianGelato/
  3. Their lovely 1972 Mustang Convertible mentioned in the podcast:
    Sean on 1972 Mustang Convertible
  4. The Locavore Store website: BigIslandLocavoreStore.com
  5. Filthy Farm Girl Soap website: shop.FilthyFarmgirl.com

0102: Michael Coorlim on Taoism, Sleep Paralysis, & The Creative Trance

Michael Coorlim author pic

Michael Coorlim

UPDATE: In the intervening years since this interview came out, my old podcast, Aravinda Show, has been retired. To listen to this classic episode, see the episode list over at the podcast page →

In this episode, I had the pleasure of having a long, candid conversation with indie-author Michael Coorlim, covering an impressive array of topics.

He’s the author of over a dozen novels and shorter works, spanning from apocalyptic, to supernatural, to steampunk, and beyond. A huge thanks to Michael for being up for this interview and sharing some of his afternoon with me. He was a truly gracious guest, sharing a wealth of time-tested advice.

This episode is the first recorded with my brand new Samson mic, as well as the first mastered with Logic X. So it only gets better from here.

Topics Addressed

  • Doubling down on the skills you already have
  • Why Intelligence = Art
  • Recognizing authors in public
  • Taoism and a Syncretic Belief system
  • An especially lucid description of Divination
  • Michael’s experiences with Night Hag Syndrome (aka. Sleep Paralysis)
  • Think of yourself as a 1-Person business
  • How to manage Beta-Readers
  • How Mailchimp helps authors (a one-time ad-esque conversation)
  • And the Optimal Pattern to release books (in an ideal world)

Show Notes

Michael’s Writing Podcast recommendations:

Michael’s Book recommendations:

Explore more of Michael’s projects:

  1. Michael’s website: http://mcoorlim.com
  2. Michael’s upcoming audio-drama podcast, Synesthesia Theatre: http://burningbrigid.com/synesthesia-theatre/
  3. Like Michael on Facebook
  4. Stalk Michael on Twitter