AudiobookReviewer gives “The Truth Beyond the Sky” glowing praise!

AudiobookReviewer 5-star ratingFantasmic thoughts are manifesting.

In an attempt to document my indie-author journey and let you know about the positive things that have been happening lately, I have two quick updates for you today:

1. AudiobookReviewer rates TRBS 5-stars ★★★★★!

It takes time to review an audiobook, but after a few months, has published their review of The Truth Beyond the Sky audiobook!

They gave it 5-stars for ALL four categories (story, performance, production quality, and attention holding.) And I am truly humbled.

Here’s the abbreviated version of the review:

“This is a great story…Definitely an amazing adventure for all…The descriptive scenes captivate the imagination and one truly feels a part of the story. I truly enjoyed it and think others will too.”

~ River Rose []

2. “Better Know a Jackal” Interview is UP!

In case you missed it, I was recently interviewed by Mike Beasterfeld over at Better know A Jackal podcast. We had a blast, covering crazy hitchhiking adventures, the Golden Age of Geeks, Hip-Hop, The Levels of Art, Transcendental Science Fiction, The Four Agreements, and much more.

It was SO much fun, and that fun really came through in the final product. The interview flowed so well, and I hope that Mike and I can talk again sometime. That interview is here:

Andrew Crusoe

p.s. Work continues on The Island on the Edge of Forever revisions. Still waiting on a few more beta readers to finish up. But in the meantime, this is an excellent time to plot the next book in the series, do research, and perhaps even release another interview soon. More on that later.

Crazysale: Black Friday Kindle Countdown Deal, Also, I’m Giving Away Books!

Aloha, there!

Just 3 bits today, ones that may even brighten your mood as we delve into the chill part of the year — including a Black Friday sale and a crazy book giveaway!

Bit 1

As you have no doubt noticed by now, this site has undergone a major redesign. Now it’s much easier to navigate, has a cleaner layout, and sports some new features like the “Email This” link at the top right of each page. You may even recognize the new blue-jungle background from a certain popular Transcendental novel…

Bit 2

IMG_6307The Truth Beyond the Sky is in yet another “real” book store. YAY!

Incidentally, this is the first time my book has been placed alongside the likes of Orson Scott Card. A strange and humbling experience, to be sure. I don’t feel worthy!

Bit 3

Here’s the part you were waiting for.

Revisions continue on the sequel, but in the meantime The Truth Beyond the Sky is having a crazy-go-nuts Kindle Countdown deal for FIVE FLIPPIN’ DAYS, starting on Nov 26th. It’ll be one-third of its normal price — just 99¢. Ninety-nine cents! That’s barely even money these days. I find that much on the ground nearly every day. (Okay, maybe not that last part, but I have been seeing a lot of quarters recently.)

And if you haven’t checked lately, here’s what some people are saying about the book. (And these are only the more recent ones.)

Congratulations to this gifted author that is able to get me to imagine new worlds. I think the appeal could be quite extensive, from the “coming of age” genre to all the people like me who enjoy exploring alternate realities.

~ Jeri A. Ramirez (Amazon Reviewer w/ Verified Purchase)


This was a very enjoyable light read that was quite difficult to put down; I found myself up until 2 AM a couple of nights. It is good science fiction which does not delve into heavy techie details of the objects that are beyond the technical abilities of the main character, Zahn…As the author says about his writings, ‘transcending’ one’s self is needed to be learned. This skill is the only way to get their message to the Council; an interesting twist you don’t find in many stories of this genre which I found interesting…I really do appreciate how polished this story is. I’ve read too many lately that not just had a lot of spelling errors, but poor grammar as well. I am ready for a continuance. Thank you, Andrew M. Crusoe.

~ Retired Techie (Amazon Reviewer w/ Verified Purchase)


A most enjoyable tale of friendship, challenges, and space lore. Who is to say none of this could be real? Looking forward to the continuation.

~ T. Roth (Amazon Reviewer w/ Verified Purchase)

I can’t tell you how grateful I am that so many people are loving and leaving reviews for Book 1 (up to 37 reviews now on Amzn). And if you haven’t grabbed The Truth Beyond the Sky yet, the countdown deal is the prime time to get this highly reviewed book. And if you already have it? Tell one of your adventure-loving friends about it!

I’ll be social-media-ing about it (yes, that’s a word now), so be sure to stay in the loop with my MyFace or Jitter pages. (Bonus goes to whoever contacts me about where that joke comes from.)

Bit 4

Actually, I almost forgot! This update has 4 bits, and this is the best one.

For a limited time, I’ve decided to give away The Truth Beyond the Sky to anyone who sends me a postcard outlining why they love Science Fiction. (UPDATE: This offer has expired.)

Yes. Free as in beer. As in, one postcard for one book.

Am I going bonkers?
What does it mean?
What you want it to mean?

Learn how on the Free Book page…

Once again, thank you for believing in me and this unique story. No one else is writing SF like this, let alone SF based on the wisdom found in the Ra Material. I know that people are being moved by this work. And as an independent author, I don’t have a publishing company backing me up or advertising any of this. It all falls on me, so I want to say thanks again for your kind words and generous sharing. Your fuel on this brilliant fire is so critical and appreciated. (So yes, social media really does help, which is why I’ve custom-coded the share bars for each post. Each Like or Retweet really helps.)

While you might not believe it, I care about you very much, and I hope you feel that even more when you read book 2.

You’re going to love what the future has in store.