Reel: Secret Disneyland Paris shortcuts!

So I wrote 3000 words today for my upcoming spiritual Sci-Fi romance thriller (it’s a sequel quadrilogy to #TheTruthBeyondtheSky) But I DID promise part two. So here’s part 2 where I discover some SECRET shortcuts in #DisneylandParis Thanks to everyone who continues to support me on Patreon More soon… #spiritualscifi

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Ps. We have more fun on TikTok! 🤫

Photo: The Truth Beyond the Sky cover now with a Sapphire Spine

Minor redesign of #TheTruthBeyondTheSky paperback. The spine is blue now; looks MUCH better when alongside the other books in #TheEpicOfAravinda! (It turned out beautifully.)

Up on Amazon now:

The Truth Beyond the Sky cover with a blue spine