Byteful Travel Blog Carnival 3 – 2010 Oct 26

Well, hello there! Welcome to a fresh, new Byteful Travel Blog Carnival where we discover traveltastic gems originating from every corner of the globe.

I’m pleased to say that I got even more quality submissions this time than the previous carnival, and I’d like to thank each person who submitted an article or spread the word about any of the blog carnivals so far. I couldn’t have done it without you guys, so thanks again!

This, the 3rd edition of Byteful Travel Blog Carnival, takes us from Monaco to Reno, from tropical islands to Iceland, and from the streets of New York City all the way to Uganda. The carnival is a really fun cross-section of the travel blogging community this time, and I’m thankful these talented writers took the time to submit to Byteful Travel Blog Carnival so I can share it all with you today. (You’ll find out how you too can submit to this carnival farther down.)

I was also very surprised to see that Ryan Murphy, in addition to being an excellent photographer, has shamelessly copied me. Just kidding, Ryan! Actually, he’s stumbled across a technique that I’ve been calling Camera Dashing for a while now. I’ve outlined what Camera Dashing is in my article “Why Camera Dashing is Superior to Camera Tossing”, and you see this same effect in his Philippines photos at the bottom of his Project Pagudpud article. It’s great to see that this technique is being used all around the world!

Finally, if one of your articles happens to be in this month’s edition, be sure to retweet and stumble this article to get more attention to your own blog. It multiplies the reaching-power of this blog carnival very much, and you’d be doing your own blog a big favor.

Now let’s plunge-in and see the world through another’s eyes…

Travel Destinations

Jennifer Miner presents:
Cheap East Hampton Vacation Attractions posted at The Vacation Gals, saying,

“The Hamptons have a certain well-earned reputation regarding the upscale summer travelers who flood in on weekends and change the atmosphere of the towns. But like all vacation destinations, there’s more to East Hampton than its reputation. Here are cheap and free things to do in East Hampton for a more mellow South Fork vacation.”

Lana presents:
Pont du Gard posted at Monaco and Beyond.

Kevin Daniel presents:
Why Move to Iceland | Iceland Quest posted at Iceland Quest, saying,

“Why you NEED to be in Iceland.”

John Gadbois presents:
What To Do If You Only Have One Day in Versailles posted at (since taken down), saying,

“This is a post I just published for people who have just one day to spend in Versailles, France”

One Family presents:
Reno, NV – Hot Spots posted at One Family’s Blog, saying,

“A look at the great gambling & entertainment city of Reno, NV with a focus on frugal options for travelers.”

Laura presents:
Jellyfish Lake: Where Darwin Has Never Been posted at Travelocafe Travel Blog, saying,

“In spite the fact that the lake remains connected to the ocean through fissures and tunnels in the islands’ porous limestone, this pocket of seawater is sufficiently isolated for the jellies to be substantially different from their close relatives living in the nearby lagoons. The lake is surrounded by high ridges covered in exuberant foliage and the sounds of the sea are muted by the music of the jungle: buzzing insects, chattering fairy terns, the singing of the Micronesian pigeon.”

Travel Photography

Ryan Murphy presents a delightful 3-part article series:
Act One: Project Pagudpud, Act Two: Up Manila Down, and Act Three: Romblon in the Bronx posted at Eleven Degrees North.

Lana presents:
Quedlinburg: A Well-Hidden German gem posted at Monaco and Beyond, saying,

“There are many other European towns and cities noted for their medieval character, but not until you come to Quedlinburg will you discover “the real deal.””

Travel Stories

Jennifer Miner presents:
Swimming with Wild Dolphins in Oahu, Hawaii posted at The Vacation Gals, saying,

“Swimming with wild dolphins can be more than just a travel activity; I found it to be transformative and thrilling.”

Sheila Scarborough presents:
Your vacation is in your head posted at Perceptive Travel Blog, saying,

“On a nighttime drive out in the middle of nowhere in west Texas, I found myself on a relaxed vacation without an umbrella drink in sight. How? By re-setting my head.”

George Burden presents:
The Caboose Comes First posted at Life As A Human, saying,

“Whether you are a railroad buff or just a curious traveller, it’s hard to resist sleeping in a luxurious caboose at the old train station in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, the only converted rail station in Canada that offers railway cars as accommodation, and only one of two in North America.”

Travel Tips

Jennifer Miner presents:
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Route in New York City posted at The Vacation Gals, saying,

“Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is as iconic to the holiday as turkey and stuffing. New York City is the most popular travel destination for the Thanksgiving holiday, and most travelers want to see the Thanksgiving Day Parade live on its route through the city. Here are some tips from a traveler who’s been there. Happy Thanksgiving!”

Want to grow your blog’s audience?

You too can be a part of Byteful Travel carnival! If you’re a writer, and you’ve written something that relates to travel in some way, I’d highly encourage you to submit a piece you’re proud of.

Why? Because blog carnivals are a fantastic way to get the word out about what you’re publishing on the web. I know this from firsthand experience because blog carnivals have been incredibly helpful in spreading the word about this site.

To request an article you wrote to be considered for inclusion next time, please submit your blog post (no more than 3 articles, please) to the next edition of the Byteful Travel carnival using the Byteful Travel carnival submission form. Your post must provide real value, and no spam-like articles will be accepted. Past posts and future hosts can be found in the blog carnival index. And if you’d like to host the carnival itself, as I have done here, please contact me via the contact page.

Once again I’d like to extend a big thanks to everyone who submitted!
I couldn’t have done it without you all!

The next carnival will be in late December, so be sure to submit your article now before you forget. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your travel articles next time, and I see the number of quality submissions increasing with each blog carnival.

And while you’re here, why not leave a comment to thank our submitters? They make this carnival possible!

Byteful Travel Blog Carnival 2 – 2010 Aug

Once again, I’m pleased to present to you with some fantastic travel-related gems from all over the planet!

Below is the 2nd edition of the Byteful Travel blog carnival which spans a delightful variety of travel topics. I’m currently on-assignment on the East Coast, so I don’t have time to say much, but I will say that I’m very happy to report that once again there are some articles with great photography included (including some great glimpses of Paris) and some oddly fascinating video clips, as well. And if you happen to be in this month’s edition, be sure to retweet and stumble this article to get more attention to your own blog. It multiplies the reaching power of this blog carnival very much, and you’d be doing your blog a favor.

But enough talk. Come and explore the farthest reaches of the Earth with me…

Travel Destinations

Jennifer Miner presents:
Top Things to Do in Seattle, Washington posted at The Vacation Gals, saying,

“There are so many great things to do in Seattle, this “best” list barely scratches the surface! I loved visiting Seattle, and I hope you get the chance to travel there sometime, too.”

Travel Photography

Laura presents:
Milan. Where Nothing Is What It Seems posted at Travelocafe Travel Blog.

Zhu presents:
Sights of Paris (Part I) posted at Correr Es Mi Destino, saying,

“I’ve been to Paris a thousand of times, as a tourist, a concert-goer, and a student. The only way I can stand the city for more than a few days is by going full tourist mode. In fact, most of the time, I just pretend I don’t speak French. Parisians see me as an idiot but a foreign idiot, so it’s not as bad in their eyes.”

Ryan Murphy presents:
Strange new world posted at Eleven Degrees North, saying,

“I am a Peace Corps volunteer in the Philippines. This post is about my father’s visit to the country earlier this year.”

Travel Stories

Ryan Peligrino presents:
Schengen Visa, St Malo and the French Couple part deux posted at Wandering Pinoy.

Morgan Schwartz presents:
Body Scanners at Eppley Give Suburban Mom a Cheap Thrill posted at All Cracked Up by Vicky DeCoster, saying,

“In between work, errands, and chauffeur service, Moms in Omaha might not have that many opportunities for excitement in their day. One Mom found the new body scanners at Eppley Airport good for a cheap thrill—and a little awkward self reflection.”

Travel Tips

Susan Howe presents:
How to Save Money While Traveling posted at Get Rich Slowly, saying,

“While traveling, there’s no way to escape all those expenses but there are plenty of things you can do to keep your overall costs low. Here are some easy ways to save while traveling.”

Want to grow your audience?

You too can be a part of Byteful Travel carnival! If you’re a writer, and you’ve written something that relates to travel in some way, I’d highly encourage you to submit a piece you’re proud of.

Why? Because blog carnivals are a fantastic way to get the word out about what you’re publishing on the web. I know this from firsthand experience because blog carnivals have been incredibly helpful in spreading the word about this site.

To request an article you wrote to be considered for inclusion next time, please submit your blog post (just one please, and one that provides real value and is not spam) to the next edition of the Byteful Travel carnival using the Byteful Travel carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found in the blog carnival index. (And if you’d like to host the carnival itself, as I have done here, please contact me via the contact page.)

A big thanks to everyone who submitted! Without you, this carnival never would have happened. And if you submitted an article but it wasn’t accepted, it probably was under 300 words or it wasn’t about travel.

Since I’m currently on assignment travelling on the East Coast, I’m not sure when the next carnival will be, but let that stop you from submitting to the carnival anyway!

Looking forward to seeing more of your travel articles next time!