My Journey into The Master Cleanse: Day 5

If you haven’t read My Journey into The Master Cleanse (Day 1 of 10) I suggest you read it, as this is a followup entry. It will give background info on what I am doing.

Day Five

It feels good to be halfway. The effects of the tea were apparent this morning, so didn’t feel the need for the salt water bath. I’m also rather concerned I may ‘absorb’ the salt water again. I drank 6 cups of Lemonade-X today, as recommended. A rather uneventful day, actually.

I miss Solid Food

While this may come as a shock to everyone (sarcasm), I’m beginning to miss the flavor of good food. At times, my imagination will recall the taste of a banana, vegetable pizza, or Chinese food (well, the american version of it anyway). In fact, people nearby ordered Chinese food last night, but I stood firm. I won’t act upon these desires in my waking life, but I continue to dream about them occasionally.

The Net Effect for the 5th Day

At last, I’m finally beginning to notice toxins coming out of the cells of my mouth. Basically, this means your mouth feels or tastes strange. I can tell that there is a greater difference between before I brush my teeth and after. Some people say that a good sign that you’re cleansed is when your tongue turns pink. I say, “How pink?”

Time continues to pass markedly slower, and for the better. Of course, this is probably just a side-effect of getting more done. As I mentioned yesterday, over these past few days I seem to be drifting more and more into giving more time to my projects as I further optimize this new time I have. The challenge for me is remembering to insert breaks in a healthy way.

Continue to Day 6 →

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3 bits on My Journey into The Master Cleanse: Day 5

  1. Day 5 was awesome! Just left a Christmas party and did not eat or drink! Cannot wait until Day 6

  2. Jaron! Terrific to hear from you again. You’re the first person to start commenting on every article in this series, and I’m very much enjoying following along with your progress!

    Yes, I’d imagine that doing this cleanse is extra-challenging during the holidays, but it sounds like you’re keeping your spirits high. And really, once you get in the swing of things around day 4 or 5, it isn’t so hard is it?

    As always, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.
    Godspeed to you!