I would have never dreamed that I’d do the master cleanse again in an almost spontaneous way. I enjoy planning too much, but after a couple challenging experiences involving my digestive system, I’m realizing I need to start BEFORE Christmas.
Christmas will be my first day back on “solid” food, although even then it’ll just be oranges for the first couple days.
What the hell is Andrew talking about? Well, there’s this 10-day juice cleanse called the Master Cleanse that has gotten a lot of praise over the past 40 years, and I’m sure it’s share of criticism. But that’s the thing about health; it’s personal and there’s no one-size-fits-all. All I know is, I did it wayyyyy back in 2007, and it utterly changed and improved my relationship with my body.
Random fun fact: did you know that intestinal cells are among the fastest to regenerate in your body?
Anyway, this is a photo of my cup of Smooth Move tea this morning. Based on how my digestion has been over the last couple weeks, it may be a bumpy road for the next couple days (which are usually the trickiest because you’re eliminating so much), but I’m confident I’m going to feel like a new man in 10 days. Unless my body has serious issues with this, and it did not before, I’m going to do the full 10 years. I have the cayenne; I have the maple syrup, and I have choke-loads of limes and lemons. 🍋 Wish me luck!
#mastercleanse #mastercleanseday1 #smoothmovetea #settinganintention

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