MacKenzie Park: Brown Noddy birds video

Welcome back to MacKenzie Park!

The “Byteful Glimpse” video series continues with a short (and hilarious) video about some other things we saw by the park cliffs (henceforth to be referred to as the Cliffs of Insanity).

This one is EASILY the wackiest one yet.

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A: You keep talking about these birds, but I never see them.
R: Well that’s because you’re too busy looking at your camera. Birds are flying around as we speak.
A: Well, okay. Screw that. Where?
R: Off the edge of the point there. Every once in a while a black bat-like face comes out. Oh, there goes one. They’re pretty small.
A: I don’t know this has got pretty okay zoom, but I don’t know.
R: Use you’re eyes, man!
A: But they can’t use their eyes, they’re not here. I know from bats. I used to live in a place with bats… cutting all this out.
A: They’re real. They’re here, on the Big Island. Come! *da da da* Sponsored by: No one.

Exploring MacKenzie Park: Whale Spout on Big Island video

Welcome to MacKenzie Park!

Today, I’m happy to share the 2nd in my “Byteful Glimpse” HD travel series of short videos.

You see, ever since I got an iPod that can actually shoot HD video, I’ve been doing what I can to capture glimpses of some of the best places on the island.

And MacKenzie Park is one of the loveliest places on the east side of the island. So lovely, in fact, that I was treated to a whale sighting while sitting on the edge of one of the cliffs.

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A: Jump for no reason! Expend thousands of calories!
A: You haven’t eaten in a month? I haven’t eaten in… one hour!
A: Come back. Please.
R: There we go. Wow. Ah, that’s so cool!