Coming off of The Master Cleanse (Part 2)

If you haven’t read My Journey into The Master Cleanse (Day 1 of 10) I suggest you read it, as this is a followup entry. It will give background info on what I am doing.

Day 12

Today marks the second day of coming off of the Master Cleanse in this day by day log. For the past two days, I’ve been surviving off of fresh orange juice which is preparing my digestive system for solid food. (See my recipe for Orange Purée.) Today is an exciting day: today I make soup.

The Master Cleanse book outlines that the soup may have “several kinds of vegetables, perhaps one or two kinds of legumes, potatoes, celery, carrots, onion, etc” as well as “tomatoes, green peppers, and zucchini squash” and that “brown rice may be used, but no meat or meat stock.” As for me, I wanted some brown rice. Because the book outlines no specific soup recipe, I set out to find a soup recipe that combined some of these ingredients in a time-tested delicious way: I went to and found Vegan Stew. For those of you who haven’t explored AllRecipes before, I highly recommend the site as a wonderful resource with an active community.

The soup was slightly modified to include a tomato because no parsnips or turnips were available, but that didn’t stop the soup from being delicious. After 12 days without truly solid food, eating this soup was nearly a spiritual experience. I had to be careful to take it slow, though, and eat mostly the broth. The book recommends I only eat a few vegetables, but I must confess, I had more than a few. If my colon has been through this much, I think it can handle more than a few vegetables. 😉

And then:
Continue to Day 13 (the last day) →

Below is a guide to all articles within this series:

Coming off of The Master Cleanse (Part 1)

If you haven’t read My Journey into The Master Cleanse (Day 1 of 10) I suggest you read it, as this is a followup entry. It will give background info on what I am doing.

Day 11:

Coming Off Cleanse: Day 1

Although the cleanse is over, I felt the effects of the Smooth Move Tea this morning. One good thing about the tea is how early it wakes me up. In one way, it’s the best alarm clock I could ask for.

OrangesComing off of the cleanse is outlined as follows:

For those who have characteristically lived the unnatural way of meat, milk, refined and devitalized food, it may be best to change over as follows, gradually adopting the raw fruit, nut, and vegetable diet:

FIRST DAY: Several 8 oz. Glasses of fresh orange juice as desired during the day. Drink it slowly.

Fresh orange juice is not what you find in a paper carton, it’s what you find in oranges. Because the details here are so sparse, I felt the need to create a little recipe.

How to make an Orange Purée

  1. Wash your hands ❗
  2. Rinse the oranges
  3. Peel 2 large oranges
  4. Separate oranges into sections
  5. Place in blender
  6. Blend for 60 seconds
  7. Add about 4 ice cubes
  8. Blend for about 30 seconds
  9. Enjoy!

After improvising that recipe, I had created a very delicious Orange Purée. Highly Recommended.

My process of coming off the cleanse continues in the next article.

Continue to Day 12 →

Below is a guide to all articles within this series: