Podcast: Episode 2 of ASCENDANT now out!

Aloha, friends! 🌺

Today I’m excited to share a powerful, and frankly enlightening, new interview from ASCENDANT with you!

Spontaneously recorded at Carlsmith Beach Park (near where this was taken) on Hawai’i, I got chills while listening to this interview because of how prophetic it has turned out to be. I interview Lee Fox, a conscious manifester, #GlobalTraveller, and good friend. This is such a powerful interview! Because when you swim with a turtle, your view of life might change. 🐢 Enjoy!

Just search for ASCENDANT wherever you get your podcasts.

Or Listen on the podcast page here →

#AscendantPodcast #abundanceconversations #consciousconversations #carlsmithbeachpark

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