Photo: Biking down the Red Road bathed in Magic Light, Puna, Hawaii

So thankful to be living on this island 🌺 Here’s just a glimpse of the magic of the #RedRoad that I enjoyed a few weeks ago; #NoFilter & check out the forest tunnel up ahead! In case you didn’t know, the Red Road runs along the coast of the island, down in Puna, a magical place in the south eastern corner of the island 🌴

It was an honor and privilege to write about this incredible place in my upcoming book, Ten Thousand Hours in Paradise: Volume 1 Arrival 🌺 There’s even a chapter in the book called “The Magic of the Red Road”… I’m shooting for an early November release date! So stay tuned 🍹 #LuckyWeLiveHawaii

Biking down the Red Road bathed in Magic Light, Puna, Hawaii

Photo: Rainbow Falls in Magical Light (Hilo)

It’s astounding how important timing can be. In photography, the #MagicHour is the hour around sunrise or sunset, and it’s my fav time to go outside to take photos. Can you believe this shot has #NoFilter? 🏵 (#RainbowFalls, #WailukuRiverStatePark)

Rainbow Falls in Magical Light - Hilo, Big Island, Hawaii