Video: Jennifer Rose Ipsen (GoLightly Organizing) interview preview

Yesterday marked the 1st interview I’ve published w/ a close friend. YES! It’s organizer, encourager, & all-around lovely person, Jennifer Rose! 🌺
The whole 68min interview is here →
In this interview, we tackle deep topics like: ⁣How do you make your job meaningful? Where does it make sense to compromise? Where should you hold your ground? And how can #YinListening & embracing “what is” transform it all?

#FollowYourIntuition #GoWithTheFlow #InnerVoice #AlohaPodcast #AlohaWisdom #AravindaShow #organizerinterview #personalorganizer #professionalorganizer #entrepreneurinterview #entrepreneurpodcast #DeepDiscussion #meaningfulwork #meaningfulcareer

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Video: John Roderick interview preview

In case you missed it, my interview with John Roderick​, legend in indie rock & podcasting, went live on Monday!

In this episode, our conversation flows to some unpredictable places, sprinkled with ALOHA. 🌺 John also touches on how NOT having a plan can be a good thing, freeing us from assumptions about the future.🌀

Is there a SPACE WISDOM? John shares his thoughts, and I can’t wait to hear yours! Entire interview is FREE here →

#FollowYourIntuition #GoWithTheFlow #YinListening #GoPracticeTheCar #InnerVoice #AlohaPodcast #AlohaWisdom #LessonsFromHawaii #AravindaShow #indierockinterview #entrepreneurinterview #TheLongWinters #DesireToBeLoved #DeepDiscussion