How to Avoid Getting Sick in the Winter (& Relaxifying Snowy wallpapers)

Now that the holiday season is nearly over (for the majority of you, at least), I thought I’d share with you some chillified versions of the Snowy Cascade wallpaper. (You know, something a bit less flashy and extravagant.) And, more importantly, I’m also going to share with you some important facts you need to know about surviving winter without getting sick.

So today we’re going to talk about keeping art (and your health!) from falling through the cracks, how to prevent yourself from getting sick in the winter, and a lesson in being aware of your surroundings.

Snowy Cascade Clear versions thumbnail I’ve gotta be completely honest with you though: I’ve been holding some stuff back. I purposely waited until after the holidays to release these three chillaxed flavors of Snowy Cascade that I’m releasing today. Because what’s the point if I release all 11 wallpapers at once? It’s too much at once! And inevitably some would fall through the cracks and fail to be appreciated. These 3 new additions to the Snowy Cascade Clear wallpaper set are:

  • Snowy Cascade Clear – Morning
  • Snowy Cascade Clear – Dark
  • Snowy Cascade Clear – Night

Based on some profoundly unscientific polls that I’ve done this month, I expect that these three flavors will be even more popular than the previous 5 flavors because people seemed to prefer the “Clear” look.

Avoid Falling through the Cracks (In Art & Health!)

As I mentioned above, I held these back because if I released too much content at once, some would fall through the cracks. Good art can fall through the cracks not unlike how a harmful virus can get through the armor of one’s own immune system. When travelling it’s extremely important to pay attention to how your immune system is doing, because you’re certainly not going to have any fun if you’re bedridden the whole time.

And this time of year, people getting sick from viruses is more common because people often indulge in lots of sugary foods during the holidays, which produces a spike in blood sugar. What they don’t know is, the resulting blood sugar low leaves you with a highly weakened immune system, which is precisely when viruses take hold. Another reason we have weakened immune systems in the winter is the fact that sunlight is much less direct in the wintertime (due to the tilt of the Earth) which means it takes much more exposure to sunlight for your skin to create enough vitamin D for the day. (Not to mention that you probably don’t want to be outside getting some sun anyway since it’s so cold!)

This combination of increased sugar and decreased Vitamin D is the main cause of the “flu season” that is so common during these winter months.

I should know since over the past few days I narrowly avoided catching a virus myself. I could even feel my body fighting it, and when I was hit with a wave of sleepiness, I listened to my body and took a nap. (And naps are unusual for me.)

I’ve only managed to successfully fight this virus off through careful nutritional planning and a high level of awareness of my own body. For instance, I’ve been making sure I get lots of a vitamin C (I ate 4 oranges yesterday), as well as Vitamin D. Being a vegan most days of the week (and a vegetarian on the other days), most of my vitamin D comes from fortified sources. (Right now my favorite way to get Vitamin D is from Almond Milk since, for a variety of reasons, cows milk actually decreases immune function.)

By carefully avoiding refined sugars, making sure my Vitamin C & D levels were high, and drinking plenty of water, I was able to fortify my immune system to deal with the current buggy environment.

A Funny Story about Mistaken Identity & Vitamin D

Speaking of Vitamin D, when I was a kid I was walking through a grocery store, wandering away from my family and daydreaming, as usual. (Are you surprised?) After a few minutes, I stumbled across a strange kind of milk. The cap was a different color than I’d seen before, and I turned to my Dad who was nearby to ask him what kind of milk it was.

“What kind of milk is this? It seems different”, I asked.

Except that the man wasn’t my Dad at all. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought it was him, but that reality soon shattered. This man, who was about the height of my father, turned around and in a very deep voice said, “VITAMIN D.” (Yes that warrants all capital letters. If you’d heard him, you’d put capital letters too.)

Taken aback, I gasped and looked up at him. I tried not to look surprised and just went with it. “Ah! Thanks…”

On that day, I learned a valuable lesson about being very aware of your surroundings. And this applies equally to travel and health. Think about it.

Fits the Times Perfectly

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the 3 new wallpapers and have amazing New Year celebration. Remember to be aware of your bodies and eat sugary foods in moderation!

As a sample, I’ve put a preview of the muted Snowy Cascade Clear “Dark” version. And I think it fits this time of year perfectly, don’t you?

Which flavor do you like best?

Get the new wallpaper in Widescreen (up to 2560×1600) →

Snowy Cascade Clear - Dark

All content released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. These wallpapers will look great up to resolutions of 2560×1600 (about a 30 inch screen). That’s 4,096,000 pixels of goodness to make your desktop look as incredible as possible. With so much free content on the site, why not tell a friend?

Why Being Obsessive isn’t always Bad (& New Snowy wallpapers)

All things shall be made new.

Instead of taking you on an adventure to the West Coast, today I’m going to take you on an adventure through color and form. We’re going to discuss powerful perspective changes, breaking tradition, and why being obsessive isn’t always necessarily a bad thing. And on top of all of that, I’ve got a Festivus gift for you: 5 gorgeous desktop wallpapers to get you into the Festivus spirit. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

First of all, welcome to the Winter Solstice. There really is nothing like Mid-December, is there? It’s a time when much of North America gets under 9 hours of daylight, and people who thrive on daylight start to get slightly grumpy. 😉

5 Snowy Cascade flavors thumbnail Tomorrow will be the 7th anniversary of when I first created Snowy Sight, one of my most popular desktop wallpapers ever, and I’m so pleased at how far this piece of art has come since then. In some ways, it’s hard for me to believe that I’ve continued to return to it again and again, refining it for over five years; but I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy creating it and using it every winter. So today, I’m excited to present to you the new Snowy Cascade wallpaper set, based off of the original Snowy Sight wallpaper from all the way back in 2003. And this year I’m releasing 5 variations (what I like to call “flavors”, which you can see slices of each to the right). It’s my gift to you all, my loyal readers, and I think you’re going to love them.

Isn’t it funny how your perspective changes?

I hadn’t used the Snowy Sight wallpaper in about a year, but once Wisconsin was hit by its first snowstorm a couple weeks ago, I started thinking about it again. I felt the urge to improve it once more.

In a strangely metaphorical way, you might even say that this image is a reflection of myself over the years. As time passes, it becomes more crisp, more honed, and more dynamic. And, like all of my work, it builds on what came before it.

Breakin’ all the Rulz

Traditionally, Snowy Sight has been a shade of blue or indigo, but I really wanted to spice things up this time, so I added new dynamics of color: magentas, violets, and greens. I’d been taking some photographs of Christmas lights the day before, and on whim I decided to drop one of the photos into the Snowy Sight project as a blending layer.

At first, I was intrigued, but I soon realized something wasn’t quite right. Adding the photo added color, but didn’t look right just yet. I needed a way to communicate this new color mix more abstractly.

After experimenting, I realized that my old friend, the crystalline filter, worked really well in this case. Ergo, the crystalline shapes you may be familiar with from Snowy Crystal are back, but they filter from behind the snow flakes this time.

Snowy Cascade - Warm flavor Originally, perhaps I got a little too passionate about the new color scheme and used a super vibrant version for about a day…

Until I realized that my eyeballs were metaphorically bleeding. It was just too intense for everyday use which is precisely what my wallpapers are intended for, so I did lots of experiments before I found a good balance of subtlety. In practice, this can be a difficult balance to strike because you don’t want a piece of graphic design to be too tiring on the eyes, but you don’t want it to be bland either. However, since this a matter of personal taste, one of the 5 flavors I’m releasing today is pretty colorful, but it’s not too intense either.

Radical Combobulations

Remember when I invented wallpaper mashups three years ago?

If you do, you may recognize this wallpaper as employing that technique. By creatively combining a crystalized photo with the existing smooth shapes of the snow flakes, I drew on techniques from the two previous Snowy Sight wallpapers, and the result is unique and quite pleasing to eyes.

But it wasn’t as easy as you may think.

More Time than You’d Ever Suspect

An inordinate amount of testing went into testing and refining these desktop wallpapers — more time than you’d expect.


Well, unless you’ve created things like this yourself, you probably don’t realize the amount of tiny details and refinements that must be made before a wallpaper is published. For instance, the new delicate outlines around the flakes had to be meticulously tweaked to look… “right”.

To be brutally honest, you can’t fully appreciate a craft until you do it for yourself, but that’s okay. This is the nature of all art, and nothing to be ashamed of.

However, it is helpful to keep in mind that much more goes into these wallpapers than what can be assumed at first glance. Each wallpaper is tested on multiple displays, and small details and blend modes are refined until they’re just right.

Even Digital Art can be Unforgiving

Much enthusiasm has been generated over the flexibility that artists now have with programs like Photoshop and Lightroom because changes can now be made much more quickly and precisely than with any previous non-digital method. But creating this wallpaper reminded me that even digital art can be unforgiving sometimes.

For instance, when I was nearly done refining this wallpaper set, I noticed that one particular crystal was touching the edge of a flake, creating a small shining line that looked completely out of place. So I had to shift the entire crystalline layer and export all 5 versions again. And this involved manually changing multiple layers to different settings for each flavor of the wallpaper. (And situations like this are not uncommon when refining a piece of graphic design.)

I do it for the Love. Why do you do it?

Maybe I’m crazy to be this particular, but I love creating these images, otherwise I wouldn’t do it. And for me, part of loving it is being obsessive about the small details, because when added together, all of the small details either make or break the whole.

Yes, these details require time and patience to get right, but it’s definitely worth it. Being “obsessive” about something has got a bad reputation in western society. But at the end of the day, being obsessive isn’t always such a bad thing if you’re aware of your own behavior and still able to control yourself; especially if the end result is something enjoyed by many. Which is why today, I’m very pleased to present to you all: Snowy Cascade.

All 5 flavors of this desktop wallpaper (Warm, Morningtime, Dark, Night, and Cyan) are available in Widescreen sizes, in resolutions up to a fantastic 2560×1600 pixels.

I hope they bring you joy and delight you during this holiday season, whatever you celebrate.

Get it in Widescreen (up to 2560×1600) →

Snowy Cascade - Morningtime flavor

All content released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. These wallpapers will look great up to resolutions of 2560×1600. That’s 4,096,000 pixels of goodness!