2022 Day 1 Mood: The Way of the Enlightened Man2022 Jan 01Andrew CrusoeAuthor Life in PhotosAlanWattsCrouchingLionHikeFeeling for the 1st day of 2022: WAY OF AN ENLIGHTENED MAN IS LIKE A TRACK OF A BIRD IN THE SKY#CrouchingLionHike #AlanWatts ShareReceive new posts by email →SEE RELATED POSTS: Photo: Master Cleanse Day 8 – I DRINK FIRE WATER affirmation Photo: Dignified Golden Eagle at Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary Photo: Thinking about Rejection & Crouching Lion Hike, Oahu Photo: Can you spot the large bird hiding by the American River? Photo: Narnia 5 Waterfalls Poem (Hilo)