Photo: Vegan Potluck at Onekahakaha

Today I’m reflecting on my #VeganFam here on Hawai’i. Also, can you spot the #ActionMemoir? 📙

We do monthly potlucks at various parks, and on June 15 there will be a fun festival with lots of delicious, #PlantBased cuisine! 🍀 Check out BigIslandVegFest.com to learn more. Or, if you like Hawaii Adventure stories, checkout the link in my profile to get 4 chapters of my new book for free. 🤠 Ten Thousand Hours in Paradise just got another 5-star review yesterday, and I continue to be floored and totally honored by the response that this series has been receiving — so much gratitude! 💗

#ecotourism #veganpotluck #luckywelivehawaii #onekahakahabeach