Photo: Creating a Magical Life at Richardson Beach Park, Hilo, HI

Creating a MAGIC LIFE doesn’t have anything to do with how much money you make or even where you live. It’s entirely based on your habitual THOUGHTS, the ripples you send out into the world. ✨

Maybe it’s because I’ve been meditating every day this month, but I’m realizing that when I meditate, I put myself into a state of RECEIVING. The universe (spirit guides, whatever) talks to me and drops inspired “nudges” into my mind. And I find that when I act on them, whether it be reaching out to a specific person to ask if they want to be a beta reader for an upcoming book or to ask a friend to join me somewhere, MAGIC often happens. Unpredictable, wonderful things flow though me.

Maybe that’s what I lost sight of a few years ago. I fell into the classic trap of “following the program” even if it was only a fraction of “normal.” I had stopped living like LIFE was an adventure, and it slowly wore me down. Don’t get me wrong; it can be easy to fall into this trap, especially if you’re in a relationship with someone who, ultimately, doesn’t want the same lifestyle as you.

But then everything changed. I started over. I returned to Hawaii. And I’m rediscovering myself, the power of the mind, the power of the spirit, and the power of social support. I truly believe that we can turn on our MAGIC LIFE potential once we start actually LISTENING to that still, small voice within us that tells us we don’t have to be afraid. I find that meditating at least 15 minutes every day lets me tap into that voice. Just sitting quietly and noticing the touch of breath on my nose.

You may find another way of meditating that works better for you, but no matter how you do it, I encourage you to try it at least every day for a week. It is SO VERY POWERFUL; such an amazing way to be open to what you are already trying to tell yourself; such a remarkable way of receiving the messages for us.

Remember, we are bold creators, and we’re just getting started.

#intentionmanifestation #abrahamhicks #magiclifepotential #dailymeditation #anapanasati #luckywelivehawaii #shotinraw #lifeisanadventure #intuitivenudges

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