Reel: Bottom of the glass pyramid at Louvre. What an exit!

The bottom of the #glasspyramidlouvre. What an exit!!! Thus concludes #ExploreFrance! NEXT: Belgium 🇧🇪 🧇 Also I just want to say how grateful I am to my beautiful @couchsurfing hosts in Paris and beyond! One of you even help me finally translate the French in that one @lordhuron song (You know who you are.) I am in India as I write this, but my time in France forever changed me, in ways that I am still processing, and I have so much gratitude. Merci merci merci We will meet again dear France.

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Reel: Exploring Montmartre area

From #MoulinRougeParis to #SacréCoeurBasilica, the #Montmartre area of Paris is an area of striking contrasts and history. And where else can you see a saint fighting a dragon!? 🥳 #montmartreparis #montmartreaddict #montmartrevillage #montmartreforever #montmartreenchanté #exploreparis #explorefrance

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