Photo: HoloHoloTime: PsuedoAustralin Accents & An On-Air Surprise

Hi 🍄 #PhysicalDistancing? It’s the PERFECT time to enjoy a NEW episode of my #HoloHoloTime podcast! Today: a hilarious Conscious Conversation about Permission & Relationships, PLUS A SURPRISE GIFT to Rory & Krunchi, LIVE on the show. LISTEN NOW → https://bit.ly/2xy6xws

For this ep, we resume our talk about #ConsciousRelationships, and I almost get talked into doing a Pagan wedding 😂 , plus I end up doing the WILDEST pseudo-Australian accent that Patreon commenters have even called sexy? Flattered. (Also, apologies for the rain in the background, it goes away after a few minutes.)

Recorded DEEP in the heart of #Kalapana on the edge of the Big Island of Hawaii… Tune in for part 3 in 2 weeks 💗 And if you enjoy this podcast, please SHARE the post about this episode! It REALLY helps support this work. Mahalo for all that you do. We’re going to get through this 💪🍀

LISTEN → https://bit.ly/2xy6xws

#hawaiipodcast #holoholotime #EthicalNonMonogamy