Photo: Zoë Eisenberg Interview Sample

In case you missed it, I released the final interview of Season 2 of Aravinda Show!

It was such a joy interviewing the wonderfully-creative producer & author Zoë Eisenberg. Zoë had been in the back of my mind to interview for months, ever since I discovered the film that she helped bring to life, Aloha From Lavaland, a movie that’s become one of my all-time fav documentaries.

Listen to the whole interview here →

We also discuss her reasons for being vegan, and her excellent vegan cook book she co-wrote with celebrity chef Ayinde Howell. And, in a surprising turn, we wrap right back around to one of the stories shared in the very first episode of Season 2, of the day when Sean and Ashley made their first vegan ice cream. It’s a whirlwind of a final episode, and the perfect end to Season 2!

Listen to the whole interview here →