Photo: Raw Alignment Self-Care Challenge Day 6: My Safe Space

Day 6 of the #RawAlignmentChallenge!

Today’s task is to pick an area to sort through and triage items that are no longer serving you. Then, post a pic of your safe space and say what you love most about it.

Well, this is my desk, where I’m most productive. It used to be my grandfather’s before he passed away. (RIP Grandpa, I miss you.) Anyway, the desk is so fancy that it came with a sheet of glass over it to protect the wood.

What I love most about this space is that the desk is the perfect size for me; it’s easy to be a #minimalist it this space. I also love that I can have a wall to my back, which I find to be much better psychologically. (Maybe it’s Feng Shui?) It’s on this desk that I’ve done most of the editing for my upcoming True Hawaii adventures book!

The affirmation of the day is: “I let go of tangible items that are no longer serving me.”

I already do this regularly, but it’s always good to have a reminder to let go of stuff. I was happy to let go of some things today that I’d been looking at and not doing anything about for far too long!

Once again a big MAHALO to RawAlignment for creating this #SelfCareChallenge – I’ve been really enjoying it!

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