My Journey into The Master Cleanse: Day 4

If you haven’t read My Journey into The Master Cleanse (Day 1 of 10) I suggest you read it, as this is a followup entry. It will give background info on what I am doing.

Day Four

Today was easily the best day yet. Though I probably didn’t need the salt water cleanse this morning, I drank it anyway just in case. Because the amount of time it should take you to drink it is not specified in the book, I tried drinking it slower than before. Perhaps I drank it too slowly because it took me about two hours to finish it. Unfortunately, it did not wash through my system as expected, and it may have been absorbed by my body. I didn’t feel bloated, but I was concerned that I would be in pain later on. I wasn’t.

Practice Makes… Citrus?

As you might imagine, I’m becoming more and more efficient at making Lemonade-X, only taking about 5 minutes in the morning to cut the lemons, blend, measure out the ingredients, and stir. The second batch in the afternoon doesn’t take much longer than the first. As the processes becomes more and more internalized, it will be interesting to see just how fast I can get. I’ll shoot for 3 minutes.

The Net Effect for the 4th Day

So far so good. A somewhat curious side-effect: it seems that my emotional response is more naturally calmer, lately. I’m not sure why, but it seems as though it is easier to remain emotionally balanced than usual. I wonder if that has anything to do with brain chemistry being positively affected by the cleanse.

My perception of time is also continuing to morph. Days seem to melt together more, and I must be careful to remember to take breaks as I work. With this cleanse, you are simply sipping the lemonade all day which results in a very different reality than the one we’re accustomed to: a reality in which breaks are easily inserted when it’s mealtime (or for some people, whenever they are hungry.) I’d like to highlight this point. Overall, my stomach has been happy, not hungry. The Lemonade-X is satisfying, especially with the pulp. I doubt it would be nearly as good without the pulp, but to each his own.

Continue to Day 5 →

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