My Journey into The Master Cleanse: Day 10

If you haven’t read My Journey into The Master Cleanse (Day 1 of 10) I suggest you read it, as this is a followup entry. It will give background info on what I am doing.

Day 10

Today is the last day of the cleanse. (Though definitely not the final entry in this day by day log! We still have the 3 days of returning to solid food.) No longer will I peel lemons, blend lemons, or smell lemons. After 10 days, I could go months without smelling a lemon again. That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy the experience, though. Along the way, my mouth got slightly bad-tasting and then cleared up, my colon flushed out things that I dare not describe here, my skin has accelerated its healing process somewhat, and I’ve reached greater clarity on how I truly want to spend my time and frame my goals.

Undertaking this cleanse is not for the weak willed. One is drawn to this cleanse, it is not forced upon you; and it is easy to fall into temptation and stop before the cleanse is complete. There were many opportunities when I could spoil the process with just a piece of something sweet or salty, but I chose to remain firm because I knew the process was worthless if I cheated. If you find yourself in the midst of temptation while on this path, be strong and remember why you started.

Recommended Learning Experience

Overall, I would recommend the experience. The Master Cleanse provides a clean slate from which to build yourself up a new foundation of dietary habits. The Master Cleanse book even provides some recipes and advice on the types of food to eat after the cleanse. By removing the devitalized processed foods from my diet, I’m dodging plenty of “sickness bullets”.

In the end, the Master Cleanse did not affect my creative potential, but it did help facilitate it. By omitting meals, the cleanse allowed me to work for longer periods and thenceforth accomplish more from day to day. With a newfound perspective, I will continue with greater awareness of my digestive cycle, and I look forward to expanding in this new healthy foundation. 🙂

Having successfully finished the 10 Day Master Cleanse, I began to carefully return to normal food, a process that takes 3 days. And you can find out how I came off the cleanse in the next article.

Continue to Day 11 →

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