Coming off of The Master Cleanse (Part 3)

If you haven’t read My Journey into The Master Cleanse (Day 1 of 10) I suggest you read it, as this is a followup entry. It will give background info on what I am doing.

Day 13:

The Complete Return to Food

All things that have a beginning have an end. Today this series officially comes to a close. In my eyes though, this experience has been a new beginning: a beginning of greater awareness of my own health, of food, and of food’s effect on my body. Today I had some more of the soup at lunchtime, and for dinner I made some delectable Sicilian Lentil Pasta Sauce which I used with some whole grain spaghetti noodles. While the sauce may seem slightly unusual (to non-Sicilians, at least) because of its use of lentils, I thoroughly enjoyed coming off the Master Cleanse with this meal.

The Cleanse wasn’t always easy, and there is nothing particularly fun about it. Any fulfillment one gets while partaking of the cleanse is due to having more time on hand and the knowledge that they’re making a positive change in their health. (And regarding time, if one isn’t skilled in focusing their time doing the tasks they need to do, obviously this cleanse will not help your life be any more enjoyable.)

Having a Wealth of Time

In this way, the cleanse is rather like being wealthy. The difference being that your wealth is time instead of purchasing power. When one is wealthy with time, they express more of themselves and can effectively be “more of themselves.” This is similar to how money can allow a person to express oneself in greater capacity. Now that I have come off the Master Cleanse, I’ve realized that, although being able to handle having “more of yourself” is a quality that takes some time to get used to, it’s completely worth it.

If I could send a message to myself to the past to August 10th, I would definitely encourage myself to do this cleanse because of what I have learned about myself, my body, and good food. I recommend the Master Cleanse if you want to detoxify your body in a time-tested way that just works. Just realize that it takes discipline and will power to do the Master Cleanse correctly, so if you decide to do it, be serious about it. As long as you don’t cheat, you’ll get results. If you don’t think you’re capable of following the rules, then perhaps it’s best if you build your own will power first, and then try the Master Cleanse.

The Next Step

Now that you’ve read my entire 13 article series of my Master Cleanse journey, you may be wondering how where you can get the best deal and which brands will work best for the cleanse. Well, look no further than the “Master Cleanse Supplies” section of the Byteful Shop. There, I’ve added everything (except for fresh lemons) that you’ll need for your own cleanse; so it’s absurdly easy to buy everything you’ll need for your Master Cleanse (including the original book) because I’ve put it all in one place, just for Byteful Travel readers like you. And by using the shop, you support Byteful Travel which allows me to continue to provide everything on this website to you completely free of charge.

UPDATE: After about 6 years, Amazon has since discontinued the Astore feature.

I hope you enjoyed this 13 article series on my experience with the Master Cleanse. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading. 🙂

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