Where’s Marco

A Final Manifestation: Wandering Chicago & Journals from an Epic 175 Day Adventure

Today is an especially auspicious day, for today is the completion of the story of my West Coast Adventure. That’s…

Craigslist Miracle: A Rideshare from Heaven

Miracles still happen, even in November. Perhaps especially in November. While I wouldn’t say November is an especially good time…

How I Carpooled for Free over Utah’s Martian Desert Landscape

Without some form of proof, you might not believe this part of my story. Before dawn, my carpool partner picked…

Red Rock Canyon Natl. Conservation Area Review: 3 Unmissable Sights

Before I visited Las Vegas, I thought that the red rocks I'd seen in Denver were the most alien landscape…

A Strange Desert Flower (Traveller Poem)

The desert can change you. If you let it. Even though it was nearly November when I arrived in Las…

Las Vegas Strip Review: Venetian, Bellagio Fountains & An Ancient Carved Tusk

Often when I travel, events work out so well (and so elegantly) that they would have been impossible to plan…

San Jose Bike Party Review: An Unparalleled Cycling Experience (with donuts!)

What happens when you combine 4,000 cyclists, over 30 miles of road, and free donuts? Bike Party. If you haven't…

Golden Gate Bridge Review: How missing your bus can have a Silver Lining

I'd never planned on walking across the Golden Gate Bridge twice. After walking 3 miles just to get to the…

Twin Peaks & Sutro Baths Review: The Hidden Ruins of San Francisco’s coast

On the day I reached the summit of San Francisco, I was given a rare gift: to see all of…

Japanese Tea Garden Review: Home of San Francisco’s Hidden Sea Monster

At first glance, the Japanese Tea Garden nestled within Golden Gate Park seems innocent enough. Birds frolic in its ponds.…