Photo: Hiking Waikoloa Petroglyph Preserve

Glimpse from 2 months ago
A hike like this, I shall not forgo!
So I locked up my bike
By the trailhead, dreamlike
And beheld a petroglyph fandango!
⁣(I am still so humbled and in awe of the Native Hawaiians. A sign nearby said that “between 1400-1800 A.D., Hawaiians traveled through this area, using many small, inland caves or they constructed stone windbreaks for temporary encampments. These #petroglyphs, or carvings in the rock, we’re often made as an account of their visit. Some petroglyphs may record trips; others may identify rituals such as those performed at birth and to ensure a long life. A wide variation of these petroglyphs have been preserved in the lava fields ahead.”
⁣Have you been here? What did you think? I recently got a pretty bad hand injury so your responses will help distract me from that 🤪
#luckywelivehawaii #ancienthawaiians #waikaloapetrogylph

Trail thru petroglyphs

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