Photo: 4 Silly Audio Engineering Haiku

For most of this week
I have been diving deep
Audiobook time!
⁣The Magic is in…
Hyper-Precise Editing 🎞
Woven together 🧶
⁣Then Equalized
Compressed and Expanded
Then a limiter ️
⁣Let it sooth your ear
(Listen now on Patreon)
Or Audible, SOON 🎙
⁣ALSO, giveaway update! I’m extending my #TropicalSciFi trilogy giveaway until Feb 12, the lunar new year. Feels right. To enter, comment on my previous post and @mention 3 people who you feel would enjoy my Hawaii-inspired tropical Sci-Fi, and get a special surprise, just for entering. Mahalo!
#supportlocalbusiness #supporthawaiibusiness #listenonpatreon #becomeapatron #indiebooksbeseen #indieauthor


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