Photo: Pololu to Bamboo poem

On one sunny day 🌞
We cruised up to Pololu
Embracing Hawaii nei
To find a patch of bamboo
⁣Swinging on ropes
The verdancy washed by
Then an ill-advised swim and…
Subsequent waiting to dry
⁣Yet we pushed on
Scrambling up the slopes
Found a spot with a Grand View
Though it was not Pololu
⁣’Twas a new valley
Name: Honokāne Nui
Brushing past spires of bamboo
The Antidote to Ennui

⁣⁣(In case you’re new to this lovely word “ennui” it’s pronounced ahn-wee.) Thanks to everyone who helped make that day possible! You know who you are.
#swipablepanorama ⁣⁣ #luckywelivehawaii #hawaiipoem #hiddenhawaii #hiddenhawaiigems #pololuvalley #honokanenui #honokanenuivalley #bambooforest #hawaiianbamboo


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