Welcoming another Patreon Supporter! Exclusive Big Island photos & more!

Wonderful news! Another one of you has joined my Patreon! A huge thanks to Arthur​ for becoming a supporter yesterday!

What about you? Want to read my upcoming Hawaii adventure book TEN THOUSAND HOURS IN PARADISE before it even comes out?

You can! By joining my Patreon! Patreon is a site that helps creative people do their work in a sustainable way. I started back in March, and now interacting with my supporters is one of my fav activities. Every Tuesday, I post a never-before-seen photo from my Big Island Adventure; and every Friday, I post a new excerpt of my upcoming Hawaii adventure memoir TEN THOUSAND HOURS IN PARADISE. 🌴

But since someone new has joined, I’m releasing a bonus photo to ALL of my supporters ($1 & up) today; a GORGEOUS shot of Coconut Island at sunset!

I LOVE interacting with my supporters in the warm environment of my Patreon blog. The $1/mo level is a great start, but may want to join at the $3/month level, where you get instant access to every excerpt of my upcoming Hawaii book that I’ve posted so far, over 14 chapters to read at your leisure. 🎍

Thanks again for liking & sharing. I truly appreciate every single share (better than just hearts). As an independent author, I live or die by my readers. I don’t promote my Patreon page that often, but I feel it’s important to highlight how Patreon is a cheap & very rewarding way to support my work and get exclusive & early access to TEN THOUSAND HOURS IN PARADISE, as well as getting 2 free ebooks right when you sign up. So to join the party & learn more go to: Patreon.com/HelloCrusoe – And become a supporter for less than a cup of coffee! As you’ll see on the page, when we reach $77/month total support, I’ll release a special recording, just for supporters. Patreon is such a rewarding place, from all sides. See you there soon! → Patreon.com/HelloCrusoe

Thank you so much! Or as they say in Hawaii, Mahalo nui loa!
~ Andrew Crusoe 🌺

p.s. One-time donations are also very much appreciated. Even small amounts add up! Donate here: http://myth.li/donate/

p.p.s. Some of my Hawaii friends may be especially interested because they make appearances in the book itself! I’m thinking about launching the book on the Big Island when I go back next year, and I’d love for you to be a part of that 🙂

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