The Secret Beneath the Ice Audiobook is Now FREE at Podiobooks!

Wondrous, mythical happenstances are approaching.

One has already arrived.

Today, I am pleased to announce that The Secret Beneath The Ice audiobook is now available, completely freely, over at Podiobooks.com — narrated by yours truly.

Previously only available on Audible, I’ve decided to give away the audiobook I put so many weeks of effort into.

Also, a BIG THANKS to Matt Armstrong from OpenBookAudio.com for his advice about where I might best promote this audiobook. His council was most helpful. Thanks for supporting an indie author, Matt!


If you like free, mind-expanding Science Fiction audiobooks, zip on over to The Secret Beneath the Ice page over at Podiobooks. And if you know anyone else who enjoys fast-paced Science Fiction with a purpose, do you think you could let them know, too?

By Liking, Retweeting, Stumbling, etc, you support an independent author and allow this mythic series to continue. (Thank you!)

In fact, I’m pleased to announce that the audiobook has already had 2,000 downloads in its first week! With such momentum, just imagine how many more lives we can change…

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