The Importance of Public Thanks

None of the humans on this little blue planet live on islands. Well, that’s not entirely true. Some live on islands like Hawaii or Japan, but none of them live on metaphorical islands. Each person depends on others for survival in some way. Whether the need be food supply, vehicle maintenance, or internet kudos, each person relies on others to do a job in order to survive. Yet many people feel increasingly independent. News flash: all humans are dependent, but there are degrees of dependence.

Recently certain individuals have helped in the growth and development of Byteful Travel, and I would now like to take this opportunity to thank them publicly.

With Deepest Thanks

Firstly, Barbara from BloggingWithoutABlog.com has provided valuable feedback on the development of this website — as well as highlighting this website in a recent article pertaining to keywords. Being highlighted was a singular honor. Thanks again, Barbara!

I am unable to read a large number of blogs because of time restraints — not to mention how I would go completely nuts if I sat at my desk and read blogs all day. However, I read Blogging Without A Blog because Barbara provides practical advice for bloggers with a down-to-earth writing style.

Secondly, Jessica from SewingMyShadowOn blog (now defunct) provided me with a free copy of “The Renaissance Soul” by Margaret Lobenstine. After coming across her book review, I emailed her saying that I would like the book if she was indeed willing to mail it to someone who wanted it, and she sent it. While I’ve already thanked her privately, tales of her kindness ought to be told publicly because she literally walked a mile to the post office for me. Thanks again, Jessica!

I’d also like to thank everyone who has provided feedback on the site thus far. Your words of encouragement are most helpful.

Gratitude Opens One Up

Has someone done something good for you lately? Have they done it publicly? Don’t they deserve a public “Thank You”?

Public thanks is important because they set a positive example for others and helps spread goodwill among people. By publicly thanking someone one expresses gratitude and encourages others to show gratitude, as well. Gratitude opens one up to receiving more blessings in one’s life. I’m not sure why this last part is true – I can only say that it has worked for me.

Are you past due for saying, “Thank You”?

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