Travel Tips

How to Spot Limiting Beliefs While Travelling: Magic of Choice (& Couchsurfing)

Joy is a choice. So is chaos. So is stability. As we learned in the previous article, our perceptions affect…

How to Spot Limiting Beliefs when Traveling

Joy is a choice. So is fear. And although it may seem obvious which one is more desirable, making a…

How to use Google Maps to use Public Transit Tutorial (Bus, Train, or Lightrail)

Too often in this time of unprecedented amounts of freely-accessible information, people forget how (or don't know how) to best…

How to Stop & Listen to the Magical Autumn of Wisconsin (The Silent Rain)

Acknowledging inspiration when it arrives, and acting on it, is incredibly useful. That's what I did yesterday. I went out…

How to Increase your Power through Travel

Do everyday chores ever feel like impossibly weighty tasks? Are there projects that you know you should tend to, yet…

7 Reasons Why You Should NOT Travel, Ever.

Having been writing articles focused on travel for a while (and gone on many adventures), I feel it's my responsibility…

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Solve a Travel Dilemma in 60 seconds

What if Reality, your daily experience of life, didn't work like how you thought it worked at all? And how…

How your Couchsurfing Host’s environment can Wreck You (or Heal You)

Have you ever realized how profoundly your choice of who you stay with affects you when you travel? Yes, staying…

How to Ship to Europe Duty Tax Free

Have you ever tried to ship something across an ocean before? Being able to do this cheaply is a relatively…

How to Get Paid to Drive 1,000 miles (Craigslist Rideshare Step-by-Step Guide)

If you want to become more confident, more flexible, and live a more inspired life, travel is one of the…