Travel Poetry

A Strange Desert Flower (Traveller Poem)

The desert can change you. If you let it. Even though it was nearly November when I arrived in Las…

Glimpse of Big Sur: Sunset Timelapse Video

When was the last time you saw a sunset? I mean really saw it. Have you ever seen the last…

A Golden Age, On Paths of Light poem

We're going to take a brief break from the retelling of my epic West Coast adventure. Instead, I'd like to…

You were Always Truly Safe poem

Today I'd like to share with you something a bit different than I've published on this site in a while.…

Spin Sideways Toward Sunrise poem

The poem below is has been incubating in me for some weeks now. You might say this poem is a…

See Failure Enough to Succeed

Today is April 11th. On this day each year, I like to write something profound, and I have a reason…

A Flash of Newfound Zen poem

Below is a poem that was born during a walk through a snowy landscape. (Incidentally, this is the 100th post…

Who is worthy to Shine? poem

Am I unworthy? then let universe spit me out, cold, and alone no talent in me? then let the world…

7th Holiday Extravaganza – Fragile poem

The following article is part of a series of articles chronicling my trip to Dallas in December 2007 in which…

Ode to the Travelling Soul poem

Below is a poem written when I was "in the flow". Often when someone is in the flow, their work…