Subjective Reality

How to Release Attachment to Outcomes & Embrace Joy in the Present Moment

As I write this, I must admit that it’s pretty late. I should probably be asleep, but I wanted to…

How I used Intention-Manifestation to stop an Identity Theft (& had fun doing it)

On Sunday afternoon, I went on a rescue mission. It's not often that my explorations have such a narrowly defined…

Interview with Seasoned Hitchhiker Irv Thomas: Part 3 “Living & Travelling Subjectively”

Below is the last of a three part series in which I interviewed author and record-holding hitchhiker Irv Thomas. See…

How to Spot Limiting Beliefs While Travelling: Magic of Choice (& Couchsurfing)

Joy is a choice. So is chaos. So is stability. As we learned in the previous article, our perceptions affect…

How to Spot Limiting Beliefs when Traveling

Joy is a choice. So is fear. And although it may seem obvious which one is more desirable, making a…

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Solve a Travel Dilemma in 60 seconds

What if Reality, your daily experience of life, didn't work like how you thought it worked at all? And how…