Book 2 News

Blog Hop: New Year – New Reads (Tropical Sci-Fi, 99¢ ebook sale!)

ALOHA! 🏝 In celebration of the New Year, I'm doing something I haven't done in years: a blog hop! A…

Free Chapter Tuesday! Razakh’s Nightmare from “The Island on the Edge of Forever”

Today I'd like to share a free chapter of "The Island on the Edge of Forever," the 2nd book in…


Aloha! Today, I'm totally psyched to announce that the brand new cover for “The Island on the Edge of Forever”…

Welcome to January! Time to Run Every Project Through the Fire

Want to know a secret? I have a love/hate relationship with January. On one hand, it contains so much hope,…

I guest-starred on TWIK & Book 2 is out!

Aloha! First of all, the ebook release of The Island on the Edge of Forever went very smoothly, and I’m…

Join me for “The Island on the Edge of Forever” Online Launch Party

A Massive Release is coming. Yes. The Island on the Edge of Forever, a Mythic SF novel like no other,…

“The Island on the Edge of Forever” Mythic SF novel cover reveal!

For the past two years, I’ve been working on the most ambitious book I've ever embarked upon. In the process,…

“The Island on The Edge of Forever” call-out for Beta-Readers

All right, so here's the deal. In short: The beta version of Book 2 is ready. Yes, that Book 2.…

The Truth Beyond the Sky: The Perfect Sci-Fi Geek Gift, Free in December!

The tides are turning in powerful, remarkable ways. Two Bits this time; both timely. Bit 1 The sequel to your…

A Short Note on the new MYTH.LI domain, Sequel Status, and a Reader Poll

Many pieces are moving now. Part A:  As you may have noticed, Aravinda Publishing now has a new domain: http://myth.li (Isn't…