Book 1 News

A Key Book Designing Tip: Always Include Reputable Reviews! (See TheIndieView)

Isn't it astounding how a few tweaks can dramatically affect the whole? I've found this to be true in nearly…

The Truth Beyond the Sky: FREE in Nov!

To date, over 9,000 copies of the book have been given away during Kindle Free days, touching many lives that…

The Truth Beyond the Sky, Big Island Book Store, & The Storydam Interview

Welcome back. I missed you. :) I have been in the midst of waves of great change, as well as…

How I Sold More Books by Giving More Away (& Spring Sales Update)

Aloha from Hawaii! I thought I'd give you a brief update on how the Kindle promos are going and the…

The Truth Beyond the Sky will be free! 2-day Promo (Round 1)

Howdy! I've got some exciting news. For two consecutive days this week, "The Truth Beyond the Sky" will be completely…

Shouting it from the Rooftops

In case you've somehow missed it, "The Truth Beyond the Sky" is out out OUT! Shout it from the rooftops!…

Free Download of “The Secret Beneath the Ice” prequel ebook: A Short Story

Today, I’m pleased to announce that “The Secret Beneath the Ice,” a short story prequel to “The Truth Beyond the…

How to get the first 2 Chapters of “The Truth Beyond the Sky” for Free

I have three important announcements for you all today. Yes, yes. 1: The Synopsis page complete! The About the Novel…

The Truth Beyond the Sky paperback photos!

At last, I am ready to show you the book. It is manifest. Coming in at 8.5x5.5x0.75 inches, it's a…

Goal Reached: The 1st Proof is in my hands.

Well, I'm very happy to report that, despite the fact that shipping took a bit longer than I was anticipating,…