
One Byteful Year

Yesterday and 1 year ago, the first article was published to the Byteful Project. In that time, the Byteful Project…

The Importance of Public Thanks

None of the humans on this little blue planet live on islands. Well, that's not entirely true. Some live on…

Blogging from the iPod Touch

Aloha there! You may be seeing this post because you're trying to find the old Byteful Travel site. Well, it's…

The Importance of RSS

If you haven't realized yet, RSS is the new lifeblood of the internet, and this site has been growing. Aside…

My Dent in the Universe – You Exist to Share

Sing your song. I'd like to share a little bit of the history of Byteful.com, where it is now, and…

How Important Is Blogging Rhythm?

You may have noticed that I am attempting to establish a sort of regularity to my blog postings – let's…

Permission to Err (Fail more to succeed more!)

Let this be my public declaration: "I have given myself permission to make mistakes with this website." When setting out…

What Validates a Blog?

As I begin this adventure in blogging, certain questions present themselves in my mind. I question, "What honestly validates a…


The adventure starts now. Welcome to the Byteful Blog, the first in a series of Byteful Communications. In reality, a…