
Inspiration Strikes! New Design & Usability Lessons

As you've no doubt noticed, over the weekend the site underwent a major visual overhaul. I'm sure you've already noticed…

Byteful Travel Carnival 1 – Inaugural Edition

Today, I'm excited to present to you some really compelling articles (including some really amazing stories) from all over the…

Carnival of Cities for 2010 May 19

If you don't already know what a Blog Carnival is, you need to know. (And you'll be glad you found…

How to write Travel Articles that Matter

As a creative individual, what's your mission? Does the concept of Oneness relate to travel? And how important is the…

Create with Passion or DIE

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on lessons learned over the past year, and,…

Travel Writers Need Time to Reflect, too.

Hello there! As you probably have guessed by my unexpected hiatus, I'm currently on-assignment exploring the world while I still…

The First Travel Blog to get Academic Citations?

I've added a two new plugins to the blog over the past week: an Academic Citations plugin and the Yet…

Vegetarian, Raw, and Vegan Web Badges

What if there was an effortless way to let people know that you were a vegetarian, vegan, or even raw…

How to Balance Blogging and Travelling

Last month, I went on a two week trip to Madison and Chicago. I'd been to Madison before, but it…

Earth’s Travel Pattern Results in Leap Years

Today, we're going to talk about a kind of travel that's unavoidable. As you sit reading this, though unbeknownst to…