Photo: Duck Eggs? A Haiku at Carlsmith Beach Park, Hawaii

Sometimes I am inspired to write a silly haiku. This is an important spiritual practice 😉

This one is about one of the wonderful afternoons I had last week. (Also, it’s tricky to write a haiku with the word “nests,” but there was no getting around it! I also wonder if finding two nests was some kind of strange sign. How many nests have you found this week?)
⁣What a time to play!
⁣⁣Found two nests in one day
⁣⁣By the Hilo Bay
#GottaBeAGoodSignRight? #NoFilter #ShotInRaw #HiloBay #HiloHaiku #CarlsmithBeachPark #FindingNests

Nest 1
Nest 2
by Carlsmith

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