Categories: Book 1 News

Enter to win “The Truth Beyond the Sky” in my first ever Paperback Giveaway

Today, I am excited to announce my first ever paperback book giveaway.

I’ve done many ebook giveaways in the past, with good success (and one even reaching over 3,000 downloads in 2 days). But in an effort to spread the word about Aravinda even farther, I’m running a paperback giveaway of The Truth Beyond the Sky over at Goodreads that runs until the 1st. (And if this goes well, I may run another.)

Of course, one of the coolest parts of giving away a dead-tree version of my book is that I get to autograph it, and even write a little note to the winner if they wish.

To sign up, you can go to the giveaway page or use the handy widget below.

I expect this will be a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to mail out this shiny paperback copy to the winner in two weeks. Good luck!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Truth Beyond the Sky

by Andrew M. Crusoe

Giveaway ends July 1, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.