Categories: Book 2 News

Join me for “The Island on the Edge of Forever” Online Launch Party

A Massive Release is coming.

Yes. The Island on the Edge of Forever, a Mythic SF novel like no other, will be unleashed into the world next week on May 25th (which also happens to be Memorial Day & Towel Day). And to celebrate, I’ve decided to host an online release party over at Facebook.

This is my first time hosting a web-based Facebook event, and I’m really excited to connect with you in a new way. Here’s the event description:

Welcome to the OFFICIAL ONLINE LAUNCH PARTY for my new fast-paced, Mythic Sci-Fi novel “The Island on the Edge of Forever”

I invite you to stop by this page, say Hi, and ask any questions you have about the book. (And if you know anyone else who likes Sci-Fi, feel free to invite them, too.) The book is up for pre-order right now, but it goes live on the 25th.

SPECIAL NOTE: There will be a surprise announcement for those who join us on Monday. All you have to do is check out the event page sometime on the 25th, and you’ll be the first to learn about a brand-new book giveaway!

Thanks for showing your support to an independent author. It means the world to me. — AMC


So join the event and then join us next week. It’s easy to join. Just swing by this page and click JOIN: http://facebook.com/events/703694833087238

Even better, by joining that event you’ll be the first to learn about a brand-new book giveaway! This should be a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to see you there!