Climbing otherworldly Banyan Trees on the Big Island (Near Rainbow Falls, Hawaii)

Just two days after I saw a stunning ocean vista, I found myself in Hilo, the largest city on the Big Island.

I love Hilo, partially because it has some of the best food on the island, but also because it has a flippin’ gorgeous waterfall… within city limits.

And how many US cities can say that?

If you ever find yourself on the Big Island, this is a place you really can’t miss. It’s pretty easy to find, too. All the maps have it, and once you get there, just take the lefthand trail up and around to find the grove of Banyan trees, which are basically the best trees in the world to climb.

Which is what this video is all about. Enjoy!


Me: Rainbow Falls! Land of the big tree and Japanese tourists. We’re gonna go over there now, where awesome things are… Hangin’ out in a tree. Banyan Tree.
The Lady: You’ve seen the movie Ferngully, right?
Me: Yeah, I’ve seen Ferngully.
The Lady: This tree kinda reminds me of the tree in Ferngully.
Me: Yeah!

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