Free Download of “The Secret Beneath the Ice” prequel ebook: A Short Story

Today, I’m pleased to announce that “The Secret Beneath the Ice,” a short story prequel to “The Truth Beyond the Sky,” is now available for free.

The idea of writing a short story about the events before the novel had been rolling around in my head for weeks, and now that it’s out (and getting 5 star reviews on Amazon), I feel really good that I’m giving people a very personal look at the crash through Oonak’s eyes.

Hacking through the Amazon

I wanted to list it for free on Amazon too, but Amazon won’t let me do that until it’s available for free on another major bookseller like BN.com. Then, Amazon will price match them, so don’t worry. You’ll be able to grab it for free on Amazon soon. Until then, there is a Kindle version available on Smashwords (as well as all other formats, including EPUB & PDF).

If you enjoy this short story, I’d really appreciate it if you’d leave a review on Smashwords or Amazon. Despite what you may have heard, you do not have to buy it on Amazon to leave a review. And I’d be forever grateful if you could do that since a heck of a lot more people go on Amazon, and positive reviews help spur its growth dramatically. By doing this, you not only help me, but also help support independent publishing overall.

The Truth Beyond the Sky launches 12/12/12

On the novel front, I’ve just finished implementing the final pass of edits from my editors, so this is a very exciting time! Now I’m in the midst of making the final touches in the Kindle version’s layout. It’s amazing how many authors’ ebooks have sub-par layout, and I’ve been pleased how my graphic design background has been invaluable in this process. I know it’s a skill set that most authors don’t have, so I’m thankful that it allows me to layout the book in a way that is both professional and friendly, not to mention create a kick-ass book cover.

Long story short?

We’re on track for a 12/12/12 release to the Kindle store. Anyway, I’ll shut up so you can start reading the free prequel. 🙂

UPDATE: you can now the prequel instantly just for signing up for my mailing list.

And if you’ve enjoyed it, consider leaving a review on Amazon, retweeting about it, or Liking the page, since it really does help. Thank you all so much for your continued support!