Categories: BlogCarnival

Byteful Travel Blog Carnival 14 – 2012 Sept

As any BlogCarnival host will tell you, putting one of these editions together is pretty time-consuming and can be a real pain in the neck. But, this edition’s entries reminded me once again why I do this.

Once again, thanks to everyone who submitted their articles! I couldn’t accept all of the submissions because some of them just weren’t appropriate for people interested in using travel to grow. (If your article wasn’t accepted, and you’re curious why, feel free to send me a message, and I’ll be happy to clarify.) However, some great content did rise to the top, and I think you’ll especially enjoy the three ‘best of’ picks below.

Oh, and before I forget, in the last carnival edition, I gave you all a heads up that BlogCarnival.com was for sale. Well, I’m pleased to say that the new management appears to be doing a good job, not to mention modernizing the look of the site. And I expect more good things from them in the future. 🙂

The Best of BTBC #14

As I said, there were some wonderful posts submitted this time. If you’re new to blog carnivals, they’re a smart way to discover new writers that you wouldn’t normally come across. And each time I publish a new edition of BTBC, I highlight three articles that stand out from the crowd, the ones you shouldn’t miss. And there were so many great submissions, it was hard to narrow it down!

  1. 5 things you shouldn’t miss in Berlin by Andy Higgs is a wonderful collection of little-known gems within Berlin with tips on how to find them and wonderful photography to go with it. The Schlangenberger Strasse, which is an apartment complex built that goes directly over a highway.
  2. Foxing around the Bahamas by Katie includes a radiant series of photos of exploring Nassau. (The best part is when she goes spelunking in a cave once used by pirates for hiding booty. That’s right, I said booty.)
  3. Cozumel, Mexico by Laura is a great story of her Mexican cruise experience, visiting Key West, Tank Island, Grand Cayman, and finally Cozumel, Mexico — complete with lovely photos along the way. The bit about non-attachment and being flexible at the end of the article was a great touch. 🙂

A Reminder & A Win-Win-Win

One last thing: if one of your articles is in this month’s edition, I’d really appreciate it if you would tweet, stumble, and “Like” this carnival on Facebook. Remember, spreading the word multiplies the reach of this blog carnival which in turn helps more people discover your article, as well. Thanks in advance!

So without further yadda-yadda, here are the lovely submissions:

Travel Stories

Zhu presents:
Do You Speak British English? posted at Correr Es Mi Destino, saying,

“In London, we were also confused by expressions such as “single ticket” (one-way ticket), “hand luggage”, “fat chips” (French fries) and “crisps” (potato chips). It was sometimes a real headache trying to figure out that new vocabulary… but hey, these kinds of linguistic adventures make travel more fun, right?”

Jennifer Miner presents:
Berlin Bike Tour – Private Guided Bicycle Tour in East Berlin posted at The Vacation Gals, saying,

“Berlin, and East Berlin in particular, is best experienced by bike. Taxis and rental cars are too pricey, tour buses too impersonal, and the underground in East Berlin has several detours and closing this summer. Renting a bicycle or getting a tour by bike is recommended.”

Coco presents:
Similar Threads Between French & Southern cultures posted at DIXIEINPARIS.

Travel Photography

Laura Burnett presents:
Cozumel, Mexico posted at Living the Clever Life, saying,

“The idea of a cruise is unique. One hotel room, many different locations. One of the first days on the ship, I was deeply confused at the sun’s ability to be in a completely different position at the same time that I had been outside the day before with respect to my stationary lounge chair. Then I remembered the concept of movement and the fact that I was on a ship, which moved. What can I say? It was the beginning.”

Foxy presents:
Foxing around the Bahamas posted at TheGoldenFoxGirl.com, saying,

“My adventures in Nassau, Bahamas.”

Lauren Roerick presents:
Southern California- What To Do posted at miller mémoires, saying,

“Ideas on what to in the Orange County area in Southern California.”

Laurence Norah presents:
Capture the Colour Photo Contest posted at Finding the Universe, saying,

“A round up of some of my favourite travel photos.”

Foxy presents:
Art of the Bahamas posted at TheGoldenFoxGirl.com.

Travel Destinations

Alicia Began presents:
Eureka Sky Tower posted at AliciaGoesAussie, saying,

“This article is part of a series about my 5 month trip from the US to Australia to play water polo. This specific post is about going to the tallest viewing deck in Melbourne!”

Jim Liston presents:
London, UK travel pictures posted at jimsgotweb.com, saying,

“London, what a great city! Once you learn how to use the Tube you can have a great time traveling around the city. Here are some of the sites we had the chance to visit while we Big Ben in Londonwere there.”

Travel Tips

Jeremy Biberdorf presents:
Managing Your Finances On Your Travels posted at Modest Money, saying,

“Life on the road can wipe out your life savings in what seems like no time at all. However, there are a few ways to reduce your costs so that you can travel for longer on less money, making your return a bit easier.”

Debbie Denard presents:
A Nanny’s Guide to Packing for a Daytrip posted at Nanny.net, saying,

“For many nannies, trips to the zoo, farm, museum, or other age-appropriate venues are part of their weekly adventures with the children they watch.”

Lauren Roerick presents:
Hong Kong Jade Market posted at miller mémoires, saying,

“Pictures of Hong Kong Jade and tips for purchasing jade.”

Katy Cousins presents:
RTW Trip: Now Panic and Freak Out (or why travelling at 28 is different to 18) posted at Ordinary Days.

David Leonhardt presents:
An Excuse to Travel posted at MillerCathy.com.

Andy Higgs presents:
What to do in Berlin: 5 things not to miss in Berlin posted at Grown-up Travel Guide.com.

Hi. Let me ask you a question. You got BC?

If you write well (and you’ve written something that relates to travel), and you haven’t submitted to the BTBC before, can I ask you a question? What are you waiting for? Blog Carnivals are an amazing and free way to get more exposure to your work. (And to those of you who continue to submit month after month: thanks again for supporting the BTBC!) By doing so, you reach multitudes, many of which have never even seen your site before, so it’s a real win-win-win situation.

I know this from firsthand experience because blog carnivals have been helpful in spreading the word about Byteful Travel. So if you’re a writer, and you’ve written something that relates to travel, submit a piece you’re proud of to the next BTBC by going to the submission form. (If that link doesn’t work, you can contact me.) Just remember to read the simple ground rules.

Also, I’m considering discontinuing the Byteful Travel Weekly Recap. If you have no idea what it is, or never read it, please let me know in the comments. It’s basically an auto-generated periodical from writers I’ve hand-picked from around the web, but lately I’ve been questioning it’s true usefulness. Should I kill it?

So until next time, may your travels spark your soul to even greater heights. 🙂