Categories: BlogCarnival

Traveler’s Show & Tell – From Cycling in Lucca to a Secret Prison Rodeo

You guys are in for a treat today.

As part of a blog carnival exchange, I’m hosting Tui’s ‘Traveler’s Show & Tell’ carnival this week, and next month Tui has graciously volunteered to host the 9th Byteful Travel Blog Carnival. (That will go live on her site on November 30th, so be sure to subscribe to Tui’s Mental Mosaic blog so you don’t miss it.)

Anyway, I must say it’s an honor to be the first to guest-host this carnival, and I’m really pleased to say (and slightly relieved) that there were plenty of really great pieces of writing submitted to this edition. And if one of your articles is in this month’s edition, please be sure to retweet, stumble, and “Like” this article.

Remember, spreading the word multiplies the reaching-power of this blog carnival which in turn helps more people discover your article and grows your site! (Find out how you too can submit to this carnival farther down.)

Today’s Gems

Because this carnival occurs frequently (twice a month), there are only 7 entries included in this edition. But, as I said, each one is quality work. So let’s dive in and learn about:

  • the absolute best way to explore Lucca, Italy
  • what it means to discover your passion
  • the beauty of Carlsbad Caverns National Park
  • the secret rodeo inside a maximum security prison
  • …and more.

Photo Essays

Nicole Elena Robertson presents:
Byzantine mosaics, Ravenna posted at Nicole Elena Robertson, saying,

“A sample of the incredible Byzantine mosaics in Ravenna, Italy”

Paula Puffer presents:
Between Midland and Carlsbad – Part 1 posted at Don’t Be a Picklebump, saying,

“Some of the places I found when travelling between Midland Texas and Carlsbad, NM”


Jennifer Miner presents:
Bike Tour of Lucca, Italy posted at The Vacation Gals, saying,

“A bike tour of Lucca is a great way for a family to explore this historic Tuscan city during a vacation in Italy.”

Ken Lange presents:
Talking about Passion posted at Kenneth Lange, saying,

“A small piece about finding answers in the most unusual places.”

Lanthy presents:
My Round-the-World Bucket List posted at nod ‘n’ smile. (Site down.)

Michael Turtle presents:
Inside Maximum Security posted at Time Travel Turtle.

Care to grow your blog’s audience?

As with my carnival (the BTBC), if you’ve written something that relates to travel and you haven’t submitted to the Traveler’s Show & Tell carnival before, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Blog Carnivals are an amazing and free way to get more exposure to your work, so you’d be silly not to take advantage of this opportunity.

I know this from firsthand experience because blog carnivals have been incredibly helpful in spreading the word about Byteful Travel. So if you’re a writer, and you’ve written something that relates to travel, submit a piece you’re proud of to the Traveler’s Show and Tell carnival by using this submission form. And remember to read the rules. (To see past posts and future hosts, check the blog carnival index.)

Also, please keep the following in mind when submitting:

  1. Include your Twitter handle even if you have submitted in the past. (It really helps the host out.)
  2. Only submit if your site has a comment box. (This blog carnival is meant to promote interaction among travelers, not just be a one-way conversation.)

And that concludes this blog carnival. Please remain seated until the carnival has come to a complete stop before standing up. And if you enjoyed this edition, let me know in the comments. Also, if you enjoyed an article in particular, please let the author know you liked their piece by leaving a comment at their blog. (It means a lot, trust me.)

Coming up next on BT: An up close dive into the stunning Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California (and some great photos along with it). So be sure to tune into that when it comes out.

Update: Computer History Museum Review: 7 Striking Exhibits from the Digital Age has been published!

And until next time, may your travels enlighten your soul to fresh insights, new connections, and powerful realizations.