You were Always Truly Safe poem

Today I’d like to share with you something a bit different than I’ve published on this site in a while. Instead of highlighting some aspects of a Place Worth Visiting, I’d like to share with you something I wrote a few days ago (entirely on my iPod touch, I might add) while I was making my way up to Boston. You see, I’m still in travel mode for a while longer, and this limits the time I have to focus solely on writing.

However, with the time I do have, I wrote this short poem I call “Truly Safe”.

When you feel the storm swiftly coming
When you hear wolves howling nearby
Do not fear
Do not cry
For there are greater sounds beyond your ears
And greater sights beyond your eyes

When you see giant waves approach your shore
When the earth fragments beneath your feet
Do not fret
Do not weep
For there is greater stability beyond the Earth
And in truth you were asleep

When you journey far beyond to distant lands
You need not worry about your plans
Someday you’ll awake to realize
That all along
As you marvelled at how the Universe expands
You were always safe
Truly Safe
Cupped in the palm
Of your Creator’s hands