7th Holiday Extravaganza – Fragile poem

The following article is part of a series of articles chronicling my trip to Dallas in December 2007 in which I discovered a magnificent library, went to a Holiday Extravaganza, and used 9 different modes of transportation in one day. A list of all articles from this series is at the bottom of this article.

I consider prose to usually be a function of the left or logical reasoning part of the brain. I consider poetry to usually be a function of the right or creative part of the brain. Therefore, I’ve decided to interpret my experience of the 2nd show in poetry, a series of haiku, actually.

The Fragile Army

Once again in line
Around another time for
Mental cabaret

Closer to the stage
All sing loud with Gustafer
“I am from the Sun”

Watch as Tim holds high
The Polyphonic Songbook
And we sing Christmas

After Christmas songs
“We Crawl” music video
Tim and Julie glad

Ribbon up again
Scissors cut expectantly
And the band explodes

Singing arm in arm
Light and smoke interplay to
Onstage violet haze

Tim calls all onstage
Pure delight in the limelight
Beyond harmony

Continue the adventure →

Post-publishing note: Thanks to Haiku-koo Carnival for including this article in their carnival.

Check out all of the photos from this event in the 7th Annual Holiday Extravaganza 1st Show album and 7th Annual Holiday Extravaganza 2nd Show. All photos in the Byteful Gallery can be used as desktop wallpapers because they are high resolution (1920×1440) just as the fullscreen & widescreen wallpapers are.

All articles within the Dallas Trip 2007 series: